where it all began…

My natural hair journey really started in 2008, long before I discovered the natural community. I always had long relaxed hair. But it reached a point where it was starting to look thinned out and resembled a wet cat. After contemplating for what seemed to be ages (mostly out of fear of how I’d look) I decided to cut it all off! After cutting it I proceeded to the stores to buy some new products to cater for this new hair that would soon be growing.
I bought Organic Root Simulator products. I particularly leaned towards the Olive oil range. I’d wash my head everyday and soon started seeing my new growth. When it got a bit longer I bought other products to treat and condition it. When it got to a length I could tie in a lephondo (afro puff), I started neglecting it and that’s when trouble started!
Late 2011, after a period of total neglect, I noticed I had a “stadium” right at the back of my head! The horror! I felt the back of my head and there was a patch of hair missing! I reached for my portable mirror, sped to the bathroom, and created a reflection to see the back of my head. I was devastated. I only had one option – to cut it again and start from scratch. I did just that and afterwards I did things differently.
This time around I literally went on Google and typed in the search box “how to take care of black natural hair”. Boy oh boy, a new world was opened to me. I got introduced to an online hair community. People who looked like me and had the same type of hair as mine, and they grew it beautifully, healthily, and long. I got introduced to natural hair jargon like big chop, TWA, 4C, LOC method, cowash… I even learned to create my own products and handling my own hair – from styling to trimming! Talk about empowerment.
Eight years and 2 big chops later, I am still learning! And through this blog I hope to share what I have learnt over the years.
Welcome 🙂
Mooketsi Reneilwe Mashele
Yipppeee!!!So grateful that you will be sharing your knowledge with us. I am especially excited about what seems to be a movement in black natural hair pride. I am hoping to teach my daughter about the beauty and importance of her natural hair and it is through such efforts and experiences (big chops , stadiums and all) that moms like me can learn from you Mmabatho. You look stunning. You wear your hair like a crown.
Thank you so much Mooketsi 🙂 means a lot. Indeed, hopefully some of the information i’ll be sharing will be of assistance in your journey too. All the best with you and your daughter.
Wow 😍
I hope this journey together will deny us big chops and “building stadium” 😂😂😂
2017 loading
😂😂😂 I hope so Pona!
…denial loading…👏🏾
I’m glad I saw this just now, i have natural hair but no idea how to care and make it look attractive. I was considering dreadlocks even cause I know I’m enough with relaxing my hair, my scalp needs a break
Not to worry Puleng, let’s see how we can help each other do this thing 😉
It’s finally here. Atleast I won’t have to call you every time I have hair problems.
Thank God for this,what an inspiration!
Yea, awesome👌
Sihle Sithole
Lol I found a stadium also. And so began the journey of my dreads. But strange enough I don’t have dried out dreads as most assume. I can literally comb mine out and be left with a puff afro. I choose not to its painful. But I’ve come to love the look. Hope to learn to keep the dandruff out…
Lol! Really, kid? I thought your dreads were permanently locked!?? Amazing! The look suits you 😘