grow your natural hair from the inside out: 4 important ways
This post is all about how to grow your natural hair from the inside out.

A lot of what goes on in the growth process of your natural hair is out of your control.
Yes, you can buy the products and do the protective hairstyles and be consistent. But all of these measures deal with hair that has grown out of your scalp already.
If you employ the right techniques and apply the right products, longer hair is achieved or guaranteed through retention. I have a number of blog posts about the things you can avoid/do to retain your length, here’s one of them.
But Sis, these techniques and products do not ensure healthy, quality hair growth from the inside out.
And as much as the hair growth process is not in your hands, the good news is that there certainly is a significant part for you to play in aiding the growth of your natural hair from the inside out.
Hang on, we’ll get to those things just now, let’s first look at the hair growth cycle…
The hair growth cycle
At any given time, your natural hair strands are individually in one of the three phases of the hair growth cycle.
The first phase is the growth phase, where your natural hair grows for 2 to 6 years. Genetics will determine how long your growth phase lasts.
The second phase is where your hair growth pauses for about 2 to 3 weeks.
And in the last phase your hair sheds.
Next, the cycle repeats itself.
For your body to produce quality natural hair in its unique form, your genes are the main contributor. Genes determine the texture and thickness of your hair.
However, sleep, your diet, exercise and your mental health have their place in your body producing good quality hair too. Let’s look at these…
1. Sleeping enough helps your natural hair grow
If you want to grow healthy hair from the inside out, make sure you get sufficient quality sleep!
I read this book titled “Why We Sleep”, and wow! Let me tell you! Mind blowing stuff. The author does such a great job in scientifically detailing the importance of having at least 8 hours of sleep every single night.
Basically, when you don’t sleep enough every major system, tissue and organ in your body suffers. All the physiological systems in your body deteriorate.
Your immune system gets significantly compromised.
You increase your chances of having cancer, Alzheimer’s, diabetes, heart attack, stroke and a whole lot of other illnesses. Sound hectic right? Well, it is!
Quite shockingly also, insufficient sleep attacks the physical structure of your genetic material. *Gasp*
But Sis, let me tell you! Sleep, when you get enough of it, is a remarkable cure-all!
Yes, nutrition and exercise are important but sleep?? sufficient and quality sleep?? is the bedrock on which nutrition and exercise are made effective.
Ok Sister, what does this have to do with growing my natural hair?
Answer: Everything!
It is during sleep that your cells get repaired, your immune system gets boosted, your body recuperates and develops.
God created sleep and it is such awe-inspiring gift that we (me included) sometimes take for granted. Its effects on our minds – mental health, memory, creativity – and our bodies (including our natural hair), are truly wonderful!

So, here are 12 tips to improve your sleep:
- Make sure to get enough sunlight during the day
- Go to sleep at the same time every night
- Sleep before midnight… way before midnight! Hours before midnight are golden!
- Have a nightly sleep routine where you wind down. Reading a book, journaling, personal devotion, praying are great suggestions. Don’t forget your satin head scarf or pillow case as you lay your head down.
- Sleep in a dark room, keep your lights off. Having blackout on your curtains is a great idea
- Do not eat/drink foods with caffeine
- Sleep in a clean, quiet environment
- Aim for at least 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep each night
- Get the book “Why We Sleep” by Matthew Walker to get the fuller picture of the importance of sleep. You will start to value and protect your sleep!
2. Eat right for natural hair growth
Eating the right food is necessary to provide you with the right nutrients essential for growing, repairing and maintaining your body – including your natural hair – and its vital processes.
In addition to good sleep, you can grow good quality natural hair from the inside out by eating right.
When you don’t eat right you are just inviting all manner of diseases and ailments to yourself. Not to mention malnutrition which is a lack of a balanced diet!
What does eating right for hair growth mean?
It means eating right for your overall health. When you eat right for your overall health, your natural hair will automatically also grow healthily from the inside out.
Eating right means getting enough nutrients from the six major food groups being: carbohydrates, fats, protein, minerals, vitamins and water.
I could go into a full biology lesson, but let me spare you. Sis, just eat your fruits and vegetables, healthy fats, grains… Whole foods are best. Avoid processed foods.
Although all these nutrients are essential and work together for optimal health, foods rich in protein make up the material your body needs to grow.
So, foods high in protein contribute directly to building your natural hair from inside out! Being vegetarian, my personal favourite include:
- Lentils
- Chickpeas
- Grains
- Nuts
B vitamins are also important for the growth and health of your natural hair. Among these micronutrients, vitamin B12 helps to promote healthy hair follicles while biotin strengthens the hair (it keeps your skin and nails healthy too).
Natural sources of biotin include:
- Legumes
- Seeds
- Nuts
- fruits such as avocados
- bananas and raspberries
- vegetables such as sweet potatoes
Drinking water helps your natural hair grow
You ought to be drinking enough water daily for your overall health and continuous growth of your natural hair. The benefits of drinking water cannot be overstated!
According to Kieticosa.com, if you are dehydrated it is possible for your hair to stop growing.
Water supports vitamins in carrying out their function and this contributes to the growth of your natural hair.
Also, drinking water moisturizes your hair from the inside, helps to strengthen your hair and increases its growth. A single hair strand has a weight of 25% water.
Drink your water Sis! At least 2 liters per day. Yup.
Moral of the story here is to eat a balanced diet, make sure your plate has a variety of healthy food, and different colours. And drink your water. Your natural hair will grow healthily from inside out!
3. Exercise to help your natural hair grow
Exercise gets your blood circulating through your body which transports oxygen and nutrients to your cells throughout your body. (Massaging your scalp also encourages blood circulation)
Get those squats and jumping jacks in Sis, any form of exercise really. It keeps you healthy.
By exercising, you get blood flow even to your scalp enriching your hair follicles with all the necessary nutrients that help you grow healthy hair.
Get active. Get your blood flowing to get your natural hair growing!
4. Mental health matters for natural hair growth
Doing all these things – sleeping enough, eating right, exercising – also positively contributes to your mental health. There are a various mental health disorders that affect the growth of your natural hair and even lead to hair loss.
When you are stressed, have anxiety, or going through depression or other mental health conditions you can experience hair loss or hair thinning.
Take care of your mind and what you put in it – what you listen to, what and who you surround yourself with, what you read, what you watch, and the air you breath.
Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy – meditate on these things.
Philippians 4:8
Take counsel from Paul. The mind is so powerful. Take care of it, Sis.
Let me end here for now. I hope you have found this post helpful..? comment below.
This post provided you with things that are within your control that you can do to help you grow healthy natural hair from the inside out. Take stock of your sleep, diet, activity and mental health. Make the necessary changes, not only for your hair but for your mind and body.

Bontle Khanyile
Wow, i didn’t know sleeping is good for hair too and now that i know it makes perfect sense. Hair is a part of us so if sleeping help in all aspects of health then hair is definitely included. Thank you so much🙏🏾❤️
This was such a good read sis, I love how it highlighted all the things we take for granted… I am still mind blown by how you broke down the importance of sleep and eating right and how these affect every cell of our body. Absolutely a brilliant read🥰♥️
Zan Zan! Aww… so glad you enjoyed it!🥰♥️